An axe to grind: the guitar as a hypertool for collaboration in the hands of a Performer/Composer/Producer.

by Cameron Deyell

graduate researcher

Interactive Composition

reflective writing

From August 2020 to September 2021, regular chapters of Reflective Writing has been shared with my supervisors Dr Anthony Lyons and Dr Miriama Young.

These are contemporaneous notes taken immediately after participation in sessions generating work, and used as a method for discussing the creative processes and the efficacy thereof.

Two recent pieces of writing are written more like a draft chapter or journal article. World Interior, and An Orchestra In Your Hands.

Some of the writings directly address the nature of the collaborative techniques used, while others are reflections on the solo composition process.

All of the writings bring to light processes and decisions that would otherwise have remained hidden.

These chapters of reflective writing, while being raw and unfiltered in nature, have helped identify key themes of research as outlined in chapter descriptions in my Progress Review Paper submitted in October 2021.